Anxiety and Stress
We all lead fast-paced lives with many demands on us and our time; hardly surprising therefore that so many of us suffer from anxiety. General Anxiety Disorder (GAD) affects over 10% of the population at any one time. This disorder manifests itself in many ways and the symptoms can include:
Palpitations Sweating
Feeling faint Temperature fluctuations
Fear of being out of control Nausea
Insomnia Depression
Sufferers may have only one or two of the above symptoms, or may experience full blown panic attacks. Living with this disorder can have a detrimental effect on their lives, potentially causing problems with normal social interactions, sex, relationships and work.
For clients suffering from anxiety, Thought Field Therapy is utilised to help calm the extreme feelings of anxiety and panic. Whilst the cause of the anxiety remains unchanged, the ability to access those negative feelings is gone. Hypnotherapy, breathing exercises and muscle relaxation techniques can be utilised and taught in-session for the client to continue using at home, creating a powerful set of tools that the client can access regularly.
There are two types of stress; eustress, which means stress that is positive, and distress, which is stress that is negative. The beneficial effects of eustress (which is generally short term) include the increased ability to concentrate and focus our energies, an improvement in performance and a feeling of excitement. ‘Distress’ or as it has now been shortened to by common usage, ‘stress’ , is the polar opposite, can be very damaging to our health, be long term and have symptoms which include:
Nervousness Headaches
Mood changes Indigestion
Irritability Weight Loss / Gain
Lack of interest Palpitations
Loss of concentration Chest Pain
Confusion Depression
Thought Field Therapy is used extensively to help relieve the effects of stress, particularly where there is a trauma as cause (i,e divorce, redundancy, work, family or financial issues), but also helps with the elimination of long term stress. Hypnotherapy can help to relieve these symptoms, through the teaching of self hypnosis, breathing and relaxation techniques, and by implanting powerful and beneficial suggestions to increase relaxation and improve self esteem. If you have been suffering from long term stress, or depression caused by stress, it is adviseable to see your GP.
For further information without obligation, please call Carol Goodwin on 07983 617999
We all lead fast-paced lives with many demands on us and our time; hardly surprising therefore that so many of us suffer from anxiety. General Anxiety Disorder (GAD) affects over 10% of the population at any one time. This disorder manifests itself in many ways and the symptoms can include:
Palpitations Sweating
Feeling faint Temperature fluctuations
Fear of being out of control Nausea
Insomnia Depression
Sufferers may have only one or two of the above symptoms, or may experience full blown panic attacks. Living with this disorder can have a detrimental effect on their lives, potentially causing problems with normal social interactions, sex, relationships and work.
For clients suffering from anxiety, Thought Field Therapy is utilised to help calm the extreme feelings of anxiety and panic. Whilst the cause of the anxiety remains unchanged, the ability to access those negative feelings is gone. Hypnotherapy, breathing exercises and muscle relaxation techniques can be utilised and taught in-session for the client to continue using at home, creating a powerful set of tools that the client can access regularly.
There are two types of stress; eustress, which means stress that is positive, and distress, which is stress that is negative. The beneficial effects of eustress (which is generally short term) include the increased ability to concentrate and focus our energies, an improvement in performance and a feeling of excitement. ‘Distress’ or as it has now been shortened to by common usage, ‘stress’ , is the polar opposite, can be very damaging to our health, be long term and have symptoms which include:
Nervousness Headaches
Mood changes Indigestion
Irritability Weight Loss / Gain
Lack of interest Palpitations
Loss of concentration Chest Pain
Confusion Depression
Thought Field Therapy is used extensively to help relieve the effects of stress, particularly where there is a trauma as cause (i,e divorce, redundancy, work, family or financial issues), but also helps with the elimination of long term stress. Hypnotherapy can help to relieve these symptoms, through the teaching of self hypnosis, breathing and relaxation techniques, and by implanting powerful and beneficial suggestions to increase relaxation and improve self esteem. If you have been suffering from long term stress, or depression caused by stress, it is adviseable to see your GP.
For further information without obligation, please call Carol Goodwin on 07983 617999